Shelby Lassiter
Director, Patient Safety & Quality Improvement
Now is your chance to help transform North Carolina into a state where high-quality healthcare is equitable and accessible for everyone. Join us for the launch of a year-long learning community, supported by the North Carolina Healthcare Foundation, designed to bring together NCHA member hospitals to focus on integrating equity into performance improvement. Read the Equity Learning Community Charter to learn more about this opportunity.
The community is facilitated in partnership with Impact4Health, one of three organizations nationwide named by the American Hospital Association as Equity Transformation Partners, and supports compliance to current and future regulatory requirements around equity through programming and shared learning.
By joining this community you will learn more about:
Additional topics will be determined based on the community’s feedback.
You can watch a recording of the information session here or by clicking on the video below. Click here for instructions on how to register or view the charter to learn more.
FAQs about the opportunity
Director, Patient Safety & Quality Improvement