Federal Priority Issues

The North Carolina Healthcare Association coordinates with the American Hospital Association to advocate for support from members of Congress on federal issues affecting hospitals and health care.

The following is a list of federal legislative priorities, and the associated position statements, that were approved by the Board of Directors for use during the 2023 Legislative Session:

Emergency Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) Reform

North Carolina hospitals and health systems urge Congress to modernize the Emergency Treatment and Active Labor Act to provide avenues for providers to get patients to the right care at the right place.

Graduate Medical Education

Every North Carolinian deserves access to highly trained doctors. Congress should expand funding for medical education programs.


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Home Hospital

Home Hospital is a promising model for health care organizations to deliver hospital-level treatment in a patient’s home. It is a safe and effective alternative for acute hospital care. A CMS waiver that enabled hospitals to be paid for Home Hospital during the pandemic boosted uptake of the program nationwide. NCHA favors establishing permanent Medicare coverage and fostering a supportive regulatory environment.

To learn more about CaroNova’s work with Home Hospital, click here. 

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Surprise Billing Act

North Carolina’s hospitals and health systems support measures to ensure that providers are reimbursed for care provided to patients who have insurance coverage and that patients are held harmless when an out of network provider is seen at an in-network facility.

Site Neutral

North Carolina hospitals and health systems support variable reimbursement models that recognize the unique financial and charitable roll that hospitals play in the community and the fact that many patients who require hospital care have more complex health conditions.

Telehealth Expansion

NCHA supports further protecting patients’ rights for telehealth coverage and expansion of broadband access to bring healthcare to every community.

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340 B Drug Discount Program

To learn more about these priorities, please log in to NCHA Member Resources.

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